Tag Archives: Organisation of African Unity

Africa Day Celebrations

Africa day and football poster

Greetings from all of us here at LASS, we hope you all are well.  We invite you to another fascinating event: the Africa Day celebrations featuring the LASS ‘Know Your HIV Status’ Football Tournament. We appreciate very much and thank you all for the support you have given us to date and encourage you to participate in what will be a colourful, fun and sporting day.

The ‘Africa Day Celebrations’  featuring the ‘LASS ‘Know your HIV football tournament 2013’ to be held on 6th July 2013 from 10.00 am at the Emerald Centre, 450 Gypsy Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TB. There will be 12 African teams fighting for the winners trophies.

There will be Winners and Runners Up trophies and 20 Gold medals for the winning team and 20 Silver medals for the runners up.

There will be different food on sale with lots of BBQ during the day.

Please note: rapid hiv testing (result in 60 seconds) will be voluntary for anyone.  Parking will be plenty: and please no alcohol or drinks to be brought on site except children’s drinks. There is a bar to cater for that.

We would like to make this a fun-filled family day so we appreciate it if you could bring your families, friends and colleagues. The day would be very colourful, funny and interesting if teams and spectators could bring with them their national flags to make it an exciting Africa Day celebrations event. There will be health stalls for Chlamydia screening diabetes (blood glucose), mental health, children’s mental health and hate crime. African clothing and artefacts will also be on sale. We hope to see you all to enjoy the day.

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